Let me take a wild guess and say that at some point in the year, you’ve set a goal or two about your career. Am I right? I think we all did and pretty much do that every year like clockwork. Maybe you wanted to score a higher position, work better hours, create a better commute, and make more money. It also could’ve been to change jobs so you can do something that doesn’t make you feel like you’re working your life away but in fact, makes you feel alive, excited and impactful. Whatever the goals are, they could be an indication that you’re over your current job and want a new one. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been there! After I outgrew this one job in particular, for some reason, I kept finding myself start a new year at the same place saying, “wait, am I really going back to this same place again, ugh!” Well if plans didn’t quite pan out just yet, and you’re not starting the new year with a fresh and new position as you may have prayed for, let me give you some strategies. These will help you have a peace about being at the same job, have brand new experiences, and allow you to put passion back into your job—or create it if passion was never there in the first place.
Let’s chat over breakfast—recipe is below!
Do you remember when you first moved into that home that you loved? After you finished arranging all your things just the way you liked, you felt at peace in that new home. Do the same where you work right now. Whether you have a cubical or an office, arrange whatever furniture you have in a new way. Bring things from home and re-decorate your space. Things like photos, framed inspirational phrases and Scriptures, candles—even if you’re not permitted to light them, will help create a new atmosphere for you. And adding elements like phrases and Scriptures will make it a more uplifting environment at the same time!
If you’re the type of person to go to the same deli or the same food station at the cafeteria, and ordering the same thing, it’s time to shake things up! What easier way and might I add, delicious way, to make lunch-time a new experience at work than with the foods you eat? Try ordering something different!
You’re likely going to work with the same people at the office in the new year, so if you have the opportunity, propose to work on a project with someone you haven’t worked with yet. You’ll get to know someone new in a different way—and you never know what potential work opportunities can stem from that collaboration, bringing you closer to your goals.
There’s always an opportunity to enhance the business, so when you hear of a project to do so in your next team meeting, jump on it! And if there isn’t low hanging fruit to pick from, create your own project. You’ve been there long enough—you know where the business can improve. Give yourself something new to work on as you stimulate your mind, helping the company—and you.
Your commute can make a difference, creating a newness in your work day. If you have another option of how to physically get to work, try that out once or twice a week. If it works out for you, do it every day. Several months back, I used to take one route from home to the restaurant. After a while, I was getting tired of the same scenic route and the actual experience on the bus, because it got crowded as we got closer to Newark. After a while, I realized there was another way to get there, so I tried it out and now enjoying this new experience in the morning.
Is there something you’ve always wanted to know how to do at work, or something you think would make you more valuable if you mastered it? Good. That’s what you should go after! Ask the expert you know in that area to should you the ropes. Many people enjoy sharing their knowledge—if they’re not insecure about their position, they will be happy to help. Regardless of how you gain the knowledge and experience, pursue learning something new that’s worthwhile!
Have you ever noticed that your clothes impacts how you feel? Slip on a flannel, you feel laid back. Throw on some Tims, you feel a little gangsta. Put on a dressy dress, you stand a little taller, feeling all types of fancy. Since your attire can affect you in this way, why not always dress your best, so you can feel polished and new when you enter those same old doors in the morning. After working at the same place for a while, what you wear may not be much of a thought, but try wearing fierce and even new, and you’ll feel a difference.
The first workweek of the new year, create a list of things that you’ve been blessed with through your job and verbalize it to God. When you put more focus on what you’re grateful for, you become less consumed with what you don’t have. Your current job will feel less of a long-winded story that never ends because you’ll be too busy operating in gratitude mode. That’s where you ultimately want to be. That’s where pleasing God happens. That’s where growth happens. Furthermore, that’s where change happens—change in your perspective, in your heart, and eventually, change in your situation. Because of Philippians 4:6, I firmly believe that when we express gratitude for what God has given us, then we’re ready to receive the newness that’s on the way. You see, God delivers newness every day. [Lamentations 3:22-24] He has no problem with delivering that new job you want Him to give you. But in the interim as you pray and wait in this new year, are you grateful for the current job he already gave you? Tell him about it.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Philippians 4:6
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”
Lamentations 3:22-24
Even if you’re going back to the same old job this year, you can change things as you wait and pray. You have the power to make some things at work fresh and new!
Now let’s get into this breakfast, shall we!
1 small handful of Raspberries
1 small handful of Blueberries
1 small handful of Strawberries
1 small handful of Blackberries
3 Tbsp. Almond Butter
1 Tsp. Sunflower Seed Kernels
1 Tbsp. Honey
Cinnamon, to preference
Nutmeg, to preference
Fill large coffee cup of each berry type
Drizzle honey after adding each berry type
Add a dollop of Almond Butter to the top
Garnish with Sunflower Seed Kernels
Drizzle more honey on top and sprinkle Cinnamon and Nutmeg to finish
Enjoy your super easy, antioxidant and packed, breakfast fruit cup!