The book of John was written specifically to help readers come to faith in Jesus Christ (John 20:31) and this first chapter serves as a manifesto of the God who came to earth to live among His creation. “The Word Became Flesh” is the heading of the first chapter of the gospel according to the […]
Browsing Tag: Bible Study
When the going gets tough: How to persevere when facing tough times.
We may experience difficult situations that make us feel discouraged. They may make us question why this hardship is happening at this stage of life. We may never know the answer to why, but what we can do is ask ourselves “what can I learn and how can I grow from this?” Hardships are an […]
What great things a certain kind of heart can produce.
There was a time when if something didn’t go as planned, whether the onus was on me or not, I had all the reasons (i.e. excuses) why we should take the attention off of me and focus on the other person that was involved. This response is a ‘very human’ tendency. We don’t like to […]
When you’re over being overwhelmed
Wasn’t life so simple when we were kids? All we had to think about back then were toys, the latest popular cartoon, and how to get away with staying up past bedtime. Maybe a few other things as we got a little older, but definitely not the things we’re inundated with today. For me, I’ve […]