What do you do for work? I’m a middle school Special Education Teacher and Coordinator. The process of getting a job can be quite interesting and/or eventful. What’s something that you went through to get this job or get into this line of work? This school year marks my 18th year as a middle school […]
Browsing Tag: christian
Creativity of God and (wo)Man – What we should know and do as creators
A woman who was new to a network that I’m a part of was chatting with me and shared that although she does advocacy work for the community, she gets involved with artist-focused activities as well. She attends this weekly workshop where the facilitator assigns a new art project each session. The one she most […]
When you think you should try again.
Bible Reference: Luke 5:1-11 There was a momentous event happening at the Lake of Gennesaret. Jesus was calling his first disciples to follow his leadership. These were the men that would be trained by Jesus, himself, and continue on in his ministry as his successors. In this moment, Jesus was preaching to a crowd of […]
3 tests in life that Jesus shows how to pass with flying colors
Read: Luke 4:1-13 Without tests, we wouldn’t know if we’ve learned something or if we’re ready to move onto the next level in various areas in life. Jesus took a test right after a major spiritual milestone, prior to starting his work in ministry. Fresh out of the waters of baptism, He was harassed by […]