Recently, a woman who has been working at her job as an administrator at a university for many years, shared with me a challenge she faces at work. Lissa, for short, feels as though she has no voice with her leadership team. When she offers her opinion or gives a recommendation, it’s almost as if […]
18 Ways to Eat Healthy When You’re Eating Out During the Workweek feat. Omega-3 Bean + Sardine Potato Breakfast Sandwich
Although I’m a lover of preparing wonderful meals right at home, I also enjoy eating out at restaurants too! I like having a menu comprised of several delicious options, being able to choose and just sit back and allow someone to present a satisfying culinary experience for me. It’s kind of like going to the […]
3 Best Ways to Handle Getting Thrown Under The Bus feat. Spiced Chickpea Salad
The Urban Dictionary defines getting ‘thrown under the bus’ as, “to sacrifice some other person, usually one who is undeserving or at least vulnerable, to make personal gain.” I can bet that this has happened to you a time or two in life. It has for sure happened to me! Actually sad to say, I’ve […]
A 5 Step Guide to Workweek Meal Prep For Beginners feat. Chickpea Green Pea Cream Sauce w/Onion Eggs
The first time I started hearing about Meal Prepping, I thought “this makes total sense!” Just cook in advance so you don’t have to worry about cooking for yourself and your family every day of the week. Well the concept is pretty simple, but when it comes to actually doing it, it can be a […]